Tag: Wisconsin

“America’s Dairyland” Works to Grow Engineers


In Wisconsin, broadcasters take a multifaceted approach to addressing the engineering shortage

For the past decade or more, radio and television managers have been dealing with a dilemma: Many veteran engineers are retiring while few skilled young people are stepping in to take their place.

Leaders of the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association are well aware and are taking a proactive approach. Their strategies include working with colleges and vocational schools that have relevant courses, encouraging the use of apprenticeships, and hosting conferences and seminars, sometimes in conjunction with the Society of Broadcast Engineers.

Their goal is to provide young adults with opportunities to understand the engineering profession while giving them the training, mentorship and guidance they need to succeed.

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Michelle Vetterkind Speaks with RBR+TVBR about how Broadcasters Have Stepped Up During COVID-19


A small town AM started working with local farmers and creameries to donate unused milk normally served with school lunches. Local media is still hiring. These are some of the positive stories shared by Wisconsin Broadcasters Association’s President/CEO in this latest podcast, hosted by RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson.

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