Speaker Subject: Media Trends

Tim Burt


  • “Using AI For Marketing Your Business”

Contact info:


Steve Goldstein


  • “Digital Transformation in the Audio Marketplace”
  • “The Business of Podcasting”
  • “The State of Podcasting – a Rapidly Changing Business”
  • “Why Most Branded Podcasts Fail and How You Can Win”
  • “The Undeniable Local Podcasting Opportunity”

Contact info:

sjgoldstein@amplifimedia.com, (203) 803-9494

Fred Jacobs or Paul Jacobs


Contact info:

fredjacobs@jacobsmediaonline.com, 248-353-9030

Al Tompkins


  • Writing and Storytelling
  • Covering Elections
  • Critical Thinking to Fight Fake Info & Images
  • Cool Tools for Journalists

Contact info:

tompkins@poynter.org, 727-409-9717

Jeff Butler


  • “Building An Effective Multi-Generational Workplace”
  • “Leading in Times of Uncertainty”
  • “Redefining Leadership In The New Decade”
  • “Winning The Talent War”
  • “AL Disruption-Overcoming the Hype and Discovering The Opportunity”
  • “Being Human In the Age of Digital Innovation”
  • “Boosting Employee Morale”
  • “Generational Differences”
  • “Authentic Customer Service”
  • “Creating Millennial Engaging Content”

Contact info:

jeff@jeffjbutler.com, 510-8593742