Speaker Subject: Management

Speed Marriot


  • “Attracting Millennial & GenZ Employees”
  • “Brilliant At The Basics”
  • “Embracing Digital Sales”
  • “How To Build A Successful Onboarding Culture”
  • “Rethinking Brainstorming”
  • “Time Management”

Contact info:

bryan@p1learning.com, 888-944-9377

Paul Weyland


  • “To Sell the Truth”
  • “Think like an Adman and Sell like a Madman”
  • “How to Get Local Direct Salespeople to Do What You Want Them to Do” (Management)

Contact info:

paul@paulweyland.com, 512-236-1222

Pat Bryson



  • “Getting to Yes”
  • “How To Be In The 20% That Writes 80% Of The Billing”
  • “Account Management 101”
  • “Prospecting”
  • “Getting Your Foot In The Door”
  • “A La Carte Ideas”
  • “Selling Effective Radio”
  • “Branding”
  • “Questions That Make You Money”
  • “Questions Are the Answer”
  • “Why Clients Buy From Us”
  • “Pain or Gain”
  • “How To Ask For The Order”
  • “Writing Presentations for Today’s Clients”
  • “How Do I Measure My Advertising”
  • “Integrating Digital Strategies into your Radio Campaign”

Sales Management:

  • “Creating a Culture of Excellence”
  • “Are You A Manager or a Leader?”

Contact info:

pat@patbryson.com, 918-747-8774

Tom Ray


  • Management: “Leadership Lessons from Man’s Best Friend”
  • Sales: “Selling in Uncertainty”

Contact info:


Sean Luce


  • In-House & Online Sales Training & Coaching
  • Corporate Sales Seminars
  • Management Workshops

Contact info:

Form on website, 832-567-6340

Susan Sim-Oh


  • Recruitment
  • DEI
  • Selling to Spanish Markets

Contact info:


Erik Therwanger


  • “Next Level Leading”
  • “Selling thru Chaos”
  • “Next Level Planning”
  • “Unleash Your Business Warrior”
  • “Magnetic Communication”

Contact info:


Steve Wexler


  • “Breakthrough Leadership: Lessons from the Road”
  • “The 14 Traits of Breakthrough Talent”
  • “Breakthrough Content”
  • “Breakthrough Sales Success”
  • Custom Coaching
  • Meeting Facilitation & Strategic Planning

Contact info:

wexlcoaching@gmail.com, 414-254-7884

Dan O’Day


  • Training, coaching and improving on-air hosts for maximum impact and higher ratings.
  • Creating radio (and local TV) commercials that make money for the advertiser and increase repeat business for the radio station.

Contact info:

danoday@danoday.com, 818-732-1055