PEP Category: Gun Safety

Safe Gun Storage


Safe Gun Storage – Free Lock Pickup
:60 Radio PSA #1
Draft 1/26/23


Responsible Vermont gun owners do more than use their guns safely, they store them safely. Because a gun that ends up in the wrong hands can have devastating results.

Store your gun unloaded, locked and away from ammunition to prevent children and loved ones in crisis from finding it, and to prevent theft.

Keep Your Gun Safe. Keep Your People Safe.

Find locations to pick up FREE gun locks…temporary safe storage sites…and more information at gun safe vt dot org. That’s gun safe vt dot org.

Sponsored by The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District Vermont, UVM Medical Center, ATF, the Vermont State Police, the Vermont Sheriffs’ Association, the Vermont Attorney General’s Office, the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Vermont Department of Health and Vermont’s Office of the Director of Violence Prevention.

Safe Gun Storage – Moments of Crisis
:60 Radio PSA #2
Draft 1/26/23


Responsible Vermont gun owners do more than use their guns safely, they store them safely. Because a gun that ends up in the wrong hands can have devastating results.

Store your gun unloaded, locked and away from ammunition, and if you or someone you love is facing a moment of crisis, store your gun safely outside of your home.

Keep Your Gun Safe. Keep Your People Safe.

Find temporary safe storage sites and more information online at gun safe vt dot org. That’s gun safe vt dot org.

Sponsored by The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District Vermont, UVM Medical Center, ATF, the Vermont State Police, the Vermont Sheriffs’ Association, the Vermont Attorney General’s Office, the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Vermont Department of Health and Vermont’s Office of the Director of Violence Prevention

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