Dave Arland

Executive Director
Years at association 6

The resources that I rely on include

TVTechnology, RadioInk, other SBA leaders, the Wall Street Journal, NBC’s Today Show, National Public Radio

What I’m recommending right now is “The Most Human: Reconciling with my Father, Leonard Nimoy” by his son, Adam Nimoy
My theme song would definitely be “Star Trek Theme” by Alexander Courage & Gene Roddenberry
The concert or live show that I remember best was My most memorable experience was the opportunity to not only see Barry Manilow in concert (any “Fanilow” loves that), but also the chance to contribute to his charitable foundation and meet the composer and performer in person. He is genuinely warm and funny, and he is devoted to music education as his legacy.
I don’t think people know Most people may not know that my wife Karen and I are musicians at our Catholic church, volunteering to insure there is music at the early morning masses. I am not a morning person, but God gave me a talent that I need to apply to help my parish. I always feel better after singing and playing (piano and organ) early in the morning!
The traits I admire most in other people are I admire how some people are able to easily balance so many priorities, and yet remain “at the ready” when duty calls. It’s hard to be a good juggler. If you miss just one beanbag….
When I’m not working, I’m I have so many hobbies that it’s easy to see how I’d rather be hanging out with my “Star Trek” friends, driving to a car show in one of my vintage Studebakers, firing up a vintage RCA TV to fine-tune a 1954 color set, playing the piano, or just lounging in Captain Kirk’s quarters (which I built in my basement.) But one of my favorite things is just hanging out with my two grandsons — mirrors of their parents, and hopefully a reflection of what my wife Karen and I have invested our time to create.
My most prized possession is This is a tough question. Is it the button panel from the actual U.S.S. Enterprise set? My Studebaker Avanti or Studebaker Champion? My grand piano (a 40th birthday present to myself)? Yes.
I can help most people with We are called upon in our roles as State Association Executives to bring order from chaos — to push forward affirmatively and help our members by being an advocate, by seeking to educate, to learn and innovate, and to celebrate the achievements of our broadcasters. It’s easy enough to look at the negatives, but the really successful state executives are those who push ahead anyway — helping to build and support their membership. Just because you cannot do it all doesn’t mean you should stop. Find something you CAN do, and make sure that thing is done well!