Day: November 30, 2020

The coronavirus has turned the NFL into a joke, and nobody should be laughing


The NFL was a joke Sunday, at a time when nothing about the coronavirus warrants laughter. In Baltimore, the Ravens reported a positive test for the eighth straight day, further jeopardizing a twice-delayed game against the undefeated Pittsburgh Steelers. In the Bay Area, the San Francisco 49ers were rendered temporarily homeless, if they want to keep playing football, because of local restrictions. And in Denver, the Broncos played — or something like that — without a true quarterback.

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Chairman Pai Announces His Intent to Depart FCC.


Ajit Pai announced this morning that he will be stepping down as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission on Jan. 20. In a statement he called his time at the agency “the honor of a lifetime” and noted that on his watch the Commission adopted more than 25 proposals to update media regulations. Pai, 47, was appointed by President Obama to fill one of the Republican-controlled seats. In 2017, when President Trump was sworn in, he turned to Pai to take over the agency. Pai’s departure will allow President-elect Joe Biden to name a new head of the FCC.

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