Day: June 8, 2020

FCC General Counsel Warns 5G Conspiracy Theories Threaten U.S. Economy


In an editorial, Thomas M. Johnson Jr. writes worries about 5G are “long on panic and short on science”

WASHINGTON—Conspiracy theories regarding the safety of 5G threaten the U.S. economy and run contrary to the findings of the Food and Drug Administration, Thomas M. Johnson Jr., FCC general counsel, wrote yesterday in a Washington Post opinion piece.

“Conjectures about 5G’s effect on human health are long on panic and short on science,” wrote Johnson.

The FCC recently reviewed its RF emissions standards, which Johnson called “the most stringent in the world.” The review drew on work of the FDA that found “the weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems” and that existing cell phone RF limits protect the public.

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