Susan Reinhart

New Mexico
Years at association 20

The resources that I rely on include

The listserve!… and anything by Dave Arland, David Donovan, Michelle Vetterkind, Chris Merritt and many others. Let’s not forget Scott Flick!

What I’m recommending right now is Horse by Geraldine Brooks
My theme song would definitely be That answer could tell all of my secrets…..
The concert or live show that I remember best was Jerry Seinfeld. He proves that humor is all around us and even the little stuff is funny.
I don’t think people know I like to detail cars and I often offer that for birthday gifts. I enjoy Presidential libraries too. Truman, Eisenhower and LBJ’s are my favorites so far.
The traits I admire most in other people are Positivity
When I’m not working, I’m Doing DIY projects
My most prized possession is my grandmothers wedding ring
I can help most people with Quiet determination supportive team member