Dewey Bruce

Years at association 11

The resources that I rely on include

Radio Inc, Radio and Television Buisness Report, Politico, and Jacobs Media Strategies

What I’m recommending right now is Sho-gun
My theme song would definitely be Louis Armstrong “What A Wonderful World”
The concert or live show that I remember best was A Concert in Santa Barbara CA The Doobie Brothers opened for The Beach Boys it was an outdoor Concert and they were amazing.
I don’t think people know I worry a lot but I don’t think people realize that.
The traits I admire most in other people are Confidence and a willingness to take on challenges even if they’re not sure they will be successful.
When I’m not working, I’m With my family first and then with my colleagues in NASBA. I think most of us feel like this job is the best job we’ve ever had and I’ve had some great jobs.
My most prized possession is My Family and if it’s an object my Grandfathers Diamond Ring that I inherited from my Dad.
I can help most people with I think I can help others with working with your Boards and with your Members of Congress especially during The State Leadership Conference. You must continually build relationships with your Board Members and your Association Members and with Congressional Delegation’s Staff.