NCSA-PEP Program Summary of Issues

This Memorandum is intended to provide State Broadcasters Associations (“SBAs”) with background on NCSA/PEP programs from three perspectives: the FCC, the IRS, and practical operating experience.  Scott will be in Orlando to discuss/enlarge upon these points.  If you have any questions or comments and would like to raise them before the meeting, please email Dick and Scott at your convenience.

None of the following should be regarded as tax advice.  Each SBA should rely upon its own tax advisor for guidance in these matters. 

SOURCE: Dick Zaragoza, Pillsbury Law

NASBA Offices

2333 Wisconsin Street., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110


Phone Numbers

Tel 505.881.4444
Fax 505.881.5353

National Alliance of State Broadcasters Associations 2019 © All Rights Reserved.