35 Critical Cyber Security Activities All Broadcasters Should Know

This short guide is an excerpt from a longer report produced by the NAB entitled “An Essential Guide to Broadcasting Cybersecurity” published in March 2016. As summarized in that report, a group of broadcast representatives, known as the broadcast subgroup, examined the NIST Cybersecurity Framework as part ofan FCC working group, CSRIC WG4. In particular, the broadcast subgroup examined all 98 of the subcategories of the NIST Framework to determine which ones are critical for all broadcasters, regardless of size or type, to consider. Broadcasters, particularly those professionals responsible for IT security, should examine the break-out of the full 98 subcategories, which appears on pp. 58 to 60 of the WG4 report and in Appendix A of the full NAB report.

SOURCE: National Association of Broadcasters

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