Neal Gladner

Executive Director
Years at association 0.5

The resources that I rely on include

Radio and TV Industry Newsletters
Local Newspaper
Local TV News
Conversations with Friends
Newsletters to which I subscribe

What I’m recommending right now is Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount
My theme song would definitely be King George ” Ace in the Hole” or Theme from The Flintstones
The concert or live show that I remember best was Taking my young daughters to see the Rolling Stones – and watching their reactions. Working in radio, we had exceptional tickets. They knew who the Stones were, but the were young (10-12-14). But it was their first live concert and watching them enjoy it made it memorable. (Along with the cost of the merch, even in those days)
I don’t think people know I spent May 18 flying just west of Mt. St. Helens during its eruption, reporting for what was then Golden West Broadcasters
The traits I admire most in other people are Ability to be candid and kind at the same time
When I’m not working, I’m Golfing
My most prized possession is And pen/ink sketch by an Israeli artist my mother brought back from a trip there.
I can help most people with Writing for others. It’s a special skill to write in someone else’s voice.